Ramarama School believes in growing young leaders. We are committed to providing diverse opportunities for our students to develop their leadership potential. These include:
- Student Leaders
- Awhina Leaders
- Junior Ambassadors
- Librarians
- Flag Monitors
- Lost Property and Sports Equipment Monitors
Everyday we provide opportunities for our students to take on areas of responsibility . In the junior school this begins at class room level before moving to team and school level as they move through the school and develop condfidence.
Student Leaders
- Our Student Leaders are elected by the staff at the start of each year.
- Our Student Leaders need to be excellent communicators and strive to lead in all they do.
- Being a good leader means acting appropriately and encouraging others to do the same both inside and outside the classroom.
- They must actively look for opportunities in the school where they can lead an area of interest.
- Student Leaders will demonstrate and model the school capabilities and values.
- Student Leaders will show special visitors around the school or take to a particular room for a meeting.
- Student Leaders will assist with the running and organisation of school events and assemblies.
Awhina Leaders
- Our Awhina Leaders are elected by the staff and students in their Awhina Group at the start of each year.
- Our Awhina Leaders need to be excellent communicators and strive to lead in all they do.
- Being a good leader means acting appropriately and encouraging others to do the same both inside and outside the classroom.
- They must actively look for opportunities in their Awhina Group where they can lead an area of interest.
- Awhina Leaders will take an active part in playground supervision and run sports events on their allocated day and times.
Junior Ambassadors
- Our Junior Ambassadors are elected by the Junior Teachers at the start of each year.
- Our Junior Ambassadors need to be excellent communicators and strive to lead in all they do.
- Being a good leader means acting appropriately and encouraging others to do the same both inside and outside the classroom.
- They must actively look for opportunities in their allocated Junior class where they can lead an area of interest, they also help out in the classroom on wet days during break times.

Students in Year 5 and 6 have the opportunity to apply to be a school librarian. They are selected by staff at the start of each year and are responsible for looking after the library, issuing and returning books, shelving books and supervising once a week during break times.
They are also encouraged to be good role models, model a love of reading and help younger students enjoy books.