Our learning day is adjusted to meet the needs of our students. We prioritise writing, reading, phonics/spelling, movement/fitness and maths each day. We ensure that we are meeting the Government’s Education priorities of an hour of reading, writing and maths each day. The core curriculum subjects are also balanced by a rich wider curriculum focus and each term we have an inquiry topic that allows our students an opportunity to explore and learn about different curriculum areas.
We ask that students refrain from bringing mobile phones to school- if they do they are required to hand them in to their teacher each day before school and they get them back at the end of the day.
Play based learning is a key component of our junior school classrooms. Throughout the day children have the opportunity to play and develop the key competencies such as managing self, relating to others and participating and contributing.
This also allows children to follow their own interests and develop friendships within the classroom. Our junior students also participate in a movement programme twice per week. This is to develop the gross motor skills, co-ordination and core strength that is required for a child to learn to read, write and solve mathematical problems.
Each year our Ramarama Curriculum has a focus on Science, Social Sciences, The Arts and Health & PE to enable our students to have valuable and interesting learning opportunities across the curriculum.
Our day is structured as follows:
9:00- 11:00am- Learning Block 1
11:00- 11:40am- Morning Tea
11:40- 1:00pm- Learning Block 2
1:00- 1:40pm- Lunch
1:40- 3:00pm- Learning Block 3